An experimental portfolio of an eclectic engineering student

Showcasing creative designs and solving problems with technology applied artistically

Hi! I'm Moira.

About Me

Welcome to my experimental portfolio. I'm an engineering student and with an arts background who is passionate about combining my creative skills with STEM applications. I believe that in order to work towards a more prosperous and equitable society, it is crucial to address not only the technical requirements in solving a design problem, but also examining the social role it will play. As such, I am a huge advocate for interdisciplinary learning- while STEM and the arts are often seen as completely separate from each other, I think that a multitude of perspectives are required to produce effective design solutions!


Project 1

Project Title 1

A brief description of the project and its significance.

Project 2

Project Title 2

A brief description of the project and its significance.

Project 3

Project Title 3

A brief description of the project and its significance.


If you'd like to connect with me, feel free to reach out: